Sunday, May 22, 2011

vintage hairstyles men

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  • plenderj
    Apr 4, 08:24 AM
    1) If you want to contact someone senior in Microsoft, contact an MVP first. There are MVPs for XBox. MVPs have many contacts inside Microsoft, and if they see fit, might forward your request.

    2) If you have a wireless network, and other devices can connect to it, then chances are you are using NAT. If you are using NAT, then both your own computer and the XBox360 would have the same public IP address, in which case you already know your public IP. Therefore, the IP address of the XBox is irrelevant - in this case.

    3) If the thief in question has left the area, and connects to the internet again through another network, then they will obviously have a different IP Address, and you can possibly use route #1 to track down the individual.

    You also mentioned that you know the device has been on the internet because of certain internet services. If you can contact one of those - after the device reconnects - it might be easier to get the device's IP address from those individuals rather than Microsoft.
    (bear in mind, Microsoft might be legally bound to not give out user-identifiable information, irrespective of the circumstances)
    So if you can get the IP in question, you now know the ISP in question, and the ISP would (should) be able to track which user account or telephone number or address was using that particular IP address at that particular time.
    This of course brings you back to the original problem of tracking down where the unit is etc. etc., but it makes more sense to do this now.

    I'm sure there is something you could have done or will be able to do in relation to checking signal strength from other devices by walking around with a laptop in order to figure out a rough location of the wireless device.
    They could do this in the 40s with radio transmissions so I'm sure it's not beyond the realms of possibility to do it in the 21st century :)

    Just my €0.02 :)

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  • kayno
    Apr 16, 01:02 PM

    Agree its a fake.. but its also my prediction of what the new phone would look like.. however its missing the black plastic peice as seen in the 3G iPad..

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  • MagnusVonMagnum
    May 3, 06:13 AM
    ??? Actually, those first versions of Windows were the only ones with names based on the version number.

    Although, I can't make out what either of you are saying.

    Egad. No sense of humor around here at all. I'm not 'saying' anything, just making a jab at the wording of a previous poster's wording (i.e. Windows7 took 7 years to get right, which is silly sounding when OSX has been at that 'version' for 10+ years. Now do some of you get it? Ragging on Windows7 (based on 'vista' which is only 5 years old by release date, although obviously started earlier internally (i.e. the 7 year old date makes no sense to begin with) and it's really based on NT which is 18 years old) when OSX is older (released for 10+ years and based on NeXT Step (NOT OS9) which is MUCH older (1985) than Windows period and that's based on Unix which is literally ancient in the tech world (1969). So no matter how you look at it, a comment that makes fun of Windows7' age versus OSX is ironic/funny/silly. That's the joke I saw. How silly of me to think people would 'get it'. :rolleyes:

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  • ECUpirate44
    May 2, 09:42 AM
    y u no like bugfixes?

    Do we even know if this update is also for the Verizon iPhone or just the AT&T? And no, bug fixes cover up my jailbreak.

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  • snberk103
    Apr 17, 04:43 PM
    What security problem?

    You know what kills more Americans than terrorism every year? Peanut allergies. Swimming pools. Deer running in front of cars.

    Pat downs, body scanners, and TSA in generally are about "security theater." The government puts on a big show so the poor little sheep who are afraid of the big bad muslim wolves feel better.

    So how about we all stop letting politicians play on our fears, stop feeding money to the contractors who design useless crap like body scanners and stop giving up constitutional rights all in the name of preventing a "danger" that's significantly less likely to kill you than a lightning strike.

    I believe that's faulty logic. Using seat belts has cut the number of fatalities for car passengers by 50% to 75% (depending on the rate of seat belt usage in a jurisdiction - USA/Canada). Because very few people are now killed in car crashes, you are saying we should stop enforcing the seat belt laws?

    Or because so many fewer people are now dying due to drunk driving we should stop enforcing those laws?

    I'm not sure your logic supports your conclusion.

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  • Timepass
    Aug 1, 04:26 PM
    I have always thought Apple would eventually open up it's DRM of their own free will. At this time, there is no serious competitor to the iPod/iTunes combo. Should serious competition arise, perhaps sometime Zune, the iPods inability to play music from other sources will be a competitive disadvantage.
    However, as a philosophical issue, I have a problem with any government interfering like this in a free market! Sometimes such interference is necessary to prevent harm to the public, but I don't see where this is the case with the iPod. It doesn't cause injury to the user, ( if you heed the volume warnings ), and there are alternatives. Those who don't like iPod/iTunes locking them in to one player are fully free to use the alternatives!]

    It is a fine line. But really apple is flirting with needing the goverment to step in. Goverment waits to long to do anything and the damage is permant and compition is hurt for years to come. A good example is M$ got nailed for it but that didnt change the fact that it made the software the domante force on the market and they didnt have to give up the market share they took.

    a completely free market is bad plan and simple. So is the other direction of the goverment controling everything. it has to be a balance bettween the 2. I am of the opinan that it is getting to the point in just DRM that it is getting close to the time where the goverment needs to step in and help clean up some of the mess before it gets out of hand and all they can do at most is damage control. Right now there is still time to prevent the damanage from happening. Apple got there market share power and now they are getting near to virtual monoploly standing in both the mp3 player market and online music store. Once you cross those lines and become a virtual monoploly in a market the rules change. No longer is using the power in one market to effect the other legal. (so Apple cannt use iTMS to effect ipod sales and ipod to effect iTMS sales as it does now.)

    I also like to point out as people say pull out of those country you have to rememeber that they are just the first countries to pass these laws and THEY WILL NOT BE THE LAST. So should apple pull out of every country that pass those laws. Some how I think that is stupid idea. I expect in the next few years to see all of the EU have laws forcing open DRM and now you are talking about a large enough market that it really will effect the bottom line. And at some point the US is going to pass laws forcing open DRM. Now think about it. Apple can burn there bridges now or releliez this is where the market is heading weather they like it or not. Now either move now and deal or pay the price in permate damage down the road.

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  • AP_piano295
    May 4, 03:17 PM
    Guns are tons of fun and I will probably own a few one day (when I live in an area where i can actually use them).

    Gun's are dangerous and it's perfectly reasonable for pediatricians to talk with and inform parents about those risks and how to mitigate them. You'd be amazed HOW LITTLE some people know about raising kids (

    Uploaded with (

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  • donlphi
    Sep 25, 02:27 PM
    According to the new features list for Aperture 1.5

    "Run Aperture on any Intel-based Mac. Any desktop, including Mac mini, iMac, and Mac Pro. Or any notebook, including MacBook and MacBook Pro.

    Technically my POWERMAC G4 can run iMovie, Keynote, and other mac software. RUNNING and FUNCTIONING (at a reasonable speed) are two totally different things. iPhoto takes a day to get going. I can't imagine aperture.

    Anyway... I don't want to ruin anybody's happy day, but the reality is, if you don't have the latest and greatest Apple Machine, the current software runs pretty slow.

    Go to the Apple store (yes, this means some of you will have to leave your apartment) and try running this software on a mac mini. Don't get depressed when it takes your entire lunch break to start the software. Forget about moving stacks of photos around and editing. As I mentioned... I had problems with the G5 QUAD and the original aperture at my Apple Store in Seattle. THEN AGAIN... they haven't updated half the things in the store. SLOPPY SLOPPY SLOPPY.

    Just a thought.

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  • gauchogolfer
    Sep 25, 04:25 PM
    I don't see any changes. Even in beta, they supported 1.25 GHz PowerBooks and up. How well they support them is always the question.

    I guess I mean support without any hacks necessary.

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  • one1
    May 4, 10:26 AM
    The "Only way" ?

    What, you could not use a laptop?

    And how would an iPad only owner read the CD in the 1st place?

    Yes the iPad made a nice easy to use picture viewer once you had put the images on it from your real computer at home is what you are saying.

    You could just of easy taken a laptop which read the CD images off directly onto the screen and no needed this new device whatsoever.

    Who owns a laptop? Not I. Should I pull one out of thin air to appeal to your invalid response?

    How would an iPad only owner USE an ipad without activation? Your argument is completely without merit. They make these things called iMacs, try one! They are fantastic for the home, but a little hefty for trip to the doc.

    I could have driven a Daewoo, but I took a BMW. *WINK* (

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  • a17inchFuture
    Sep 12, 02:48 AM
    gotta agree ron.

    It makes sense, however, just to be devil's advocate, I think the pricepoint issue is very valid to some people, and no matter how easy it is to take a widescreen ipod on the plane, they might not think its worthwhile if they can only watch one movie between charges, and the movies (on a smaller screen) might not be worth 10-15 bucks.

    Again, I see the validity, just taking the (valid) stance of the opposition.

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  • firestarter
    Apr 21, 01:15 PM
    Vote me up if you love kittens! :D

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  • 840quadra
    Sep 12, 10:11 AM
    Minimal impact, or importance, but interesting..

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  • Anuba
    Jan 12, 07:44 PM
    Welcome to America. We're just now getting 3G (in regards to GSM networks, anyhow).

    So I'm told, but A) 3G phones are backwards compatible with old GSM networks. Mine switches between 3G/regular GSM constantly when I'm at home, as I live very close to a base station but far from the nearest 3G mast. Hence they should just stick a 3G 'sleeper cell' in there for (near) future use... and B) I respect that Apple is an American company, but they peddle their stuff all across the globe. Every little itty bitty iPod has 21 languages built in. When Apple Store closes down for maintenance it happens simultaneously all across the globe, and when it pops back online again the new products are available in all countries. Never in Apple's history have I seen them do something as US-centric as this - heck, we're not getting it until 2008! Strange, pretty damn alienating, and it had better not become a habit.

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  • -SD-
    Apr 6, 01:08 PM
    Just got it!

    I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts on it once you've had a chance to get comfortable with it.


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  • avkills
    Sep 12, 06:58 AM
    Apple would be stupid to make a branded portable projector. That market is already saturated by Epson, Eiki, InFocus, NEC, Sony, Panasonic, need I go on...

    I think the wireless video streaming device makes more sense. Make the wireless part interchangeable for future upgrades. 720p H.264 could easily stream over 10mbit connections. Better include a HDMI connector, component video out, s-video out and optical/analog audio. If not, it is dead in the water.


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  • zombitronic
    Oct 6, 04:47 PM
    I think your arugument would be valid if phones were not subsudized and you have to buy them at full price. Because AT&T in this case is paying Apple $400 per phone you should choose a network first.

    If ISP were footing the bill for desktop then Verizon add still would work but for cell phones most of the cost of the phone is paid by the networks. Not the other way around.

    My original iPhone was not subsidized and I had to buy it at full price. I chose the device with no qualms about what network I was required to use.

    While the iPhone is now subsidized, so are many other phones on many other networks. If only certain networks were doing this to add value to choosing their contracts, I could understand your point of choosing the network before the device. Maybe I'm missing something but I don't understand how this changes my argument that the service is just a commodity while the device is the consumer's primary choice.

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  • caspian
    Mar 25, 08:49 AM
    Now we'll see the bastard child coming soon...:D

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  • _bnkr612
    Jan 12, 07:56 PM
    It could have been worse. What if they streamed content from the other part of CES (i.e., XXX).

    That would be bad...

    l3lack J4ck
    Nov 24, 12:15 AM
    i just noticed thinking they probably updated it...but this is more of a "mirror" per say of the old midnight pst it will update im guessing...

    thats just an idea

    Apr 15, 01:39 PM
    LOL at the perspective on the text in the 3rd photo. :D


    Oh- yeah- you're right. I see that now- yeah I agree it's fake. I still like it though.

    Sep 25, 11:20 AM
    I suppose there could be a bit of news here for non-photographers.

    As I understand it, Aperture uses OS X's built-in RAW image processing. If I remember rightly, the last Aperture update accompanied an OS X update. So it's possible 10.4.8 could be just around the corner (i.e. sometime this week?)

    Nov 23, 06:37 PM
    Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. Otherwise it'll just be about the same as the educational discount.

    I need something to tip me over the edge to get a Macbook :)

    May 6, 11:43 AM
    you would prefer unlicensed doctors?

    Of course we should . The free market would put him/her out of business after they killed enough people. :rolleyes: